The end of cookies doesn't mean the end of campaign performance demands and insights that marketers need to achieve success. 

No black boxes or hidden algorithms: the simple-to-understand Peer39 Attention Index lets advertisers focus on campaign success and performance. Built using cookieless information, the Peer39 Attention Index is a full-campaign-lifecycle tool for both prebid and post-bid optimization.
Created using a complete view of the intersection among ad environments, ad and page times in view, and user actions, the categories empower advertisers to reach the most engaged users and avoid placements with low attentiveness.  

bullet-listThe metrics you trust, synchronized for maximum engagement.

High, Medium, and Low Attention categories are based on benchmarked scoring against the average of all measured sites. Scores are created using the combination of 15 dimensions.

Each domain is assigned an average score that is then compared to the benchmark and put into the tier of Above Average, Average Range, or Below Average.

Peer39 Attention Index examples

Attention Index calculations start at the individual impression. Impression-level scores form the basis of the domain scores. Domain scores are then indexed against the average Attention score across all measured sites.

The Index categories that buyers use are groupings of sites within those Index tiers.

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How is Attention different than Viewability?

Viewability is a measure of ads in the view of users. The additional inputs we use for Attention provide a more in-depth understanding if a user is interacting with ads and the overall environment.

How can advertisers use the information to optimize?

The Attention Index is a metric available in Analytics that can guide advertisers toward improving performance towards numerous KPIs, including Attention Indexes. With the daily updates of categories, domain-level adjustments automatically happen daily. For specific Contextual Categories, Analytics shows the Attention Indec, which can aid buyers in optimization. 

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Attention Index Categories

Attention > High: Sites that have an Attention Index of 110+
Attention > Medium: Sites that have an Attention Index between 70-109 
Attention > Low: Sites that have an Attention Index of 69 and below.

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